Monday, March 31, 2008

Nichole's Bridals

All last week I was watching the weather and admiring all the blooming trees in anticipation of the bridal portraits I was to shoot on Saturday at Tanglewood. I had all these ideas of a perfect spring day with beautiful flowers and buildings to work with. Then I woke up Saturday morning to 40F and drizzling rain. So much for my perfect bridal portrait session! I scrambled around to find a few (dry) alternatives and we decided to shoot at a house that belongs to a friend of mine. We ended not having flowers, but Nichole and her dress were pretty enough without them! Nichole was such a trooper, too. Even though it was cold and wet, she never complained once while sitting on the ground or being outside in her strapless dress. I had so much fun on this shoot and I'm very excited about Nichole's wedding in April.

Shoot at Appalachian State University

Last Thursday I rode up to Appalachian State University with Park Ranger Chad Eller of W. Kerr Scott Lake to shoot some pictures of the football players for new water safety trading cards the rangers will be handing out to kids. The weather was perfect and we got to watch the team practice, since we got there a little early. Yosef was squeezed into a life jacket, but I found out later that the girl inside didn't know why we were putting a life jacket on her. She went along with it, though, and I have to admit there's something really amusing about a mountaineer mascot wearing a life jacket. The football players and coach were very fun to work with and even taped water safety promos to be run on the local cable stations.

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