Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Sample Album!

I have been so excited about getting this sample album. I found out it was coming today and I've been checking the porch every 15 minutes. When the FedEx driver finally came I was outside - he probably thought I was insane for squealing and running to the curb to get my package. I was not disappointed; this is a gorgeous book. They have a huge selection of cover materials, so every album cover can be completely unique and suited to a couple's style. If any of you drove by my house and saw me laying in the grass taking pictures of a book, this is why:

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Nicole's Bridals

The weather was messing with me again for Nicole's bridals! We had scheduled her shoot for Friday morning at W. Kerr Scott Lake, and of course it rained all night long. Even though it was cold, it stopped raining long enough for us to shoot. With the help of my trusty shower curtain, we managed to keep Nicole's dress mostly dry. She has the longest eyelashes I've ever seen! I also loved her jewelry - the pin on her dress was her grandmother's.

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