Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beth and Dillon

Beth and Dillon were married at Round Hill Baptist Church on June 7, 2008. The wedding colors were azalea pink and navy blue, and despite it being a million degrees (OK, so it was only 105F), the wedding was beautiful.

I loved this cake!
And the cupcakes were really pretty, too.

We shot Beth's bridal portraits at the memorial gardens in Concord.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Name, New Logo

I've been toying with the idea of changing my business name to Shiloh Wiles Photography, and I finally did it! I'm hoping Shiloh Wiles Photography will be a little more memorable than Wiles Photography. There's lots of Wileses around here, but not too many Shilohs. I also finally settled on a logo, but I had a good friend and graphic designer make it for me. There will also be some changes to my blog and website, but they'll have to wait until I'm finished with all the albums and proofs I have to deliver!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jessica and Josh

Jessica and Josh had a busy May! They graduated from UNC and then were married at Flat Rock Baptist Church in Hamptonville, NC. Their reception was held at Raffaldini Vineyards in Ronda, NC. The wedding was gorgeous and so much fun! After a stunning sunset, everyone danced late into the evening.

I think Jessica has such a pretty smile and she looks so happy and so in love when she's with Josh. I think these two are going to have a long, happy life together.

I always love it when I can get to a wedding early enough to capture the "prep" shots. I love those quiet little moments before everything goes crazy. I love the crazy, too, though, which is good because that just goes along with wedding photography.

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