Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nicole and Ricky

Nicole and Ricky's wedding ceremony was held at Wilkes Faith Temple and the reception was at Temple Hill Community Center in Ronda, NC. The theme for the wedding was "Oh Happy Day" and it certainly was! Everything was very bright and cheerful, with the yellows, blues, pinks, and lime greens used in the decorations. Nicole is such a sweet, happy person and I can tell just from the way Ricky looks at her that he's crazy about her. Nicole wore her grandmother's jewelry and included her favorite flowers in her bouquet, so I decided to use vintage processing on some of the images to give them a classic feel. I thought maybe Nicole has some pictures of her grandmother as a young woman with soft colors like these.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jessica's Bridals

We shot Jessica's bridals at Raffaldini Vineyards, where her reception will be held. This is such a gorgeous location! Almost overwhelming because of all the possibilities. I know her wedding will be beautiful.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Logo Indecision

You may have noticed that my logo keeps changing. I started out with this and I thought black and white was more professional, but it's boring.

So then I tried this. I'm definitely sticking with these colors - I used purple and gray/silver in my own wedding and they're my favorite colors. I like the idea of using colors that reflect my personality, so they will be prominent in my branding.

Eventually, I decided that the logo above was just too vague and didn't look wedding-y enough, so I worked on something else and came up with this. It's supposed to be a diamond ring, but I'm afraid it looks like a planet orbiting. I'll probably stick with it for a while until I finally break down and hire a real graphic designer to create something perfect!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My daughter was chosen as one of the senior mascots for Elkin High School - a tradition I've never heard of, but cute none the less. Much bribing and a piece of candy from the photographer's assistant convinced her to stand still and wear her hat long enough for the photographer to get the group shots.

I think she looks just like a small, blonde version of my husband's niece:

I definitely didn't envy those photographers the job of lining up all those kids! I think I'll stick to weddings. And not to be disloyal to my high school, but navy gowns are a lot better looking than the shiny green ones we had at Wilkes Central!

Charity's Bridals

We shot Charity's bridal portraits at Tanglewood Park behind the manor house and in the rose gardens. We started about 2 hours before sunset and finished shooting right as the sun was beginning to set and the light was perfect! If possible, I always like to shoot either two hours after sunrise or two hours before sunset. I had a lot of fun playing with sun flare to come up with some interesting effects.

I first met Charity in September 2007 when she was a bridesmaid in a wedding I was shooting. I'm so excited to be shooting her wedding (and going to her bachelorette party at the beach) next month! Yes, I'm just in this business to make new friends. :P

Friday, May 2, 2008

Nichole and Keith

Keith and Nichole were married on April 26th at Richmond Hill Baptist Church in Booneville. I had so much fun and it was a great way to start the wedding season. I can tell that Nichole and Keith are best friends and I know they're going to be very happy together. I loved Nichole's dress! I used the same color purple in my wedding and I wish I could have had a sash like that!

These are all jumbled up, but it's ridiculously hard to move them and it's past my bedtime already. The confetti stuff? The groomsmen coated the car in it, outside and interior. I even found some in my car the next day!

Yeah, I'm just going to leave this one up to remind myself not to park my stupid car anywhere near where I'm going to be shooting. Thank goodness for Photoshop/cropping, so I can fix it afterwards when I do something like that!

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