Nichole and Keith
Keith and Nichole were married on April 26th at Richmond Hill Baptist Church in Booneville. I had so much fun and it was a great way to start the wedding season. I can tell that Nichole and Keith are best friends and I know they're going to be very happy together. I loved Nichole's dress! I used the same color purple in my wedding and I wish I could have had a sash like that!
These are all jumbled up, but it's ridiculously hard to move them and it's past my bedtime already. The confetti stuff? The groomsmen coated the car in it, outside and interior. I even found some in my car the next day!
Yeah, I'm just going to leave this one up to remind myself not to park my stupid car anywhere near where I'm going to be shooting. Thank goodness for Photoshop/cropping, so I can fix it afterwards when I do something like that!
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